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Movie Subject Explorer (© 2023) was designed to help movie lovers maximize their viewing experience. We feel that movies and shows, besides providing well-need entertainment and escape, can help increase human understanding and empathy. As equally precious individuals, we can simultaneously learn from our differences and see our common humanity in each other.

Our mission is to provide a broad yet digestible subject explorer that illuminates valuable movie and show titles, helping to entertain, inform, increase cultural familiarity, and keep the world turning in a hopeful direction.

Audience involvement:

Feedback and suggestions are always appreciated. The general minimum criteria for a subject heading is at least one strongly-related title released on a major platform. If you have a subject that has a directly related movie that is at least 45 min. in length, appropriate, widely released, and is not already listed on MSE, please let us know and we will strongly consider it.

Personal names:

Movie Subject Explorer does not include personal names. We feel that users are more likely to enter a name into a search window themselves. Furthermore, too many entries reduces efficiency and readability.


Movie Subject Explorer (© 2023) is owned by Movie Subject Explorer, LLC. Duplication or copying of this site is prohibited. Although Movie Subject Explorer, LLC retains ownership to the arrangement, selection, and compilation of subject headings, Movie Subject Explorer, LLC claims no ownership to individual heading language, URLs, or any content arrived at from the links.


Warning: content, arrived at through the use of, may be inappropriate for minors or offensive to some people. Viewer discretion is advised.

We strive to make subject headings inclusive, culturally balanced, relevant, and accurate. Ultimately, however, our headings are reflective of the current content available. Although we strive to create the right balance between thoroughness and efficiency, please let us know if you find Movie Subject Explorer lacking in either.

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